Adding Secondary Details
We are going to start blocking out our lighting issues and start adding some secondary assets to cover up our seams and build out more of our level.
To fix some our issues with shadowing. We are going to place planes around the outside of our structure. While on the outside it might not pretty it is very effective on cleaning up the shadows and lighting inside the structure.
We are now going to start adding more models into our scene and start building out our scene more. Go back into Quixel megascans and find more rocks and boulders for this scene that would look like a good fit. You can always edit and change the color as need be.
Here we just added lots of assets throughout our level to give it some character and not just be walls. This is where you get to have fun and make it look like objects look good together everywhere, but they are randomized in an outdoor environment.
Next time we are going to be adding foliage to our scene.