Customizing the Character UE5

Chris Didier
2 min readMay 26, 2022

Last time we saw our character looked like the default mannequin for Unreal and not like the previews for the stylized characters. How do we get there? Here is where we find out.

Let’s first create a child blueprint class of our thirdpersoncharacter. Let’s name it BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and place it in our content folder.

Back in the editor let’s delete the player start from our scene as it will be trying to load a premade character. To get our character we want to go back into the blueprint and in the details search auto possess and select player 0 to have our player selected instead of any others.

Now if we click play we will see our movement is a little off so let’s go into the blueprint for the parent thirdperson class and look at the movement in there. In there we will see we have some errors.

We need to replace these with new ones. Instead of turn rate we will be using the turnrightrate and instead of turn we will use turnright and rehook our pins up.

So now our camera will move around our character as we would expect it to.

Now to outfit our character we will go back into our bp_thirdpersocharacter and select mesh>and choose a skeletal mesh

We now have a character that has been brought to life.

