Environment and Lighting Pt2

Chris Didier
2 min readApr 30, 2021

Continuing on from the previous article we will be picking up and continuing on with our environment and lighting learning. We will first be focusing on working with sub mesh materials.

We have a painting wall and we have a painting wall start to make as close as possible to the original. We are going to be working with multiple sub meshes to create our duplicate. We are first going to create a white wall material for our painting wall and we will adjust the metallic and smoothness to fit our needs. Create a material>albedo>white marble. Go under painting wall start>painting wall> element 0 and replace with our material.

Next we will be creating a black marble material and we will be selecting a black marble column under the albedo channel. We will also be adjusting the metallic, roughness, shader type to Autodesk Interactive, and be changing both tiling to 4x4. When complete attach and to painting wall element 1.

Next we will be creating a gold material for our painting wall and we will be using the color picker and pick the gold to pick color off the other wall and attach it to the last available element for our painting wall.

Next we will be creating a painting material. Select the albedo channel and select a painting of their choice. Select the painting and drop in the painting material, the metal_gold_mat for the painting_rim, and the goldDecor_5.

Next time will be working with Occlusion maps.

