Environment & Lighting Pt 1

Chris Didier
4 min readApr 29, 2021

Today we are starting a project called The Great Fleece and we will be working with lots of different tools throughout it. Today’s topic is going to be focused on environment and lighting.

The first topic we are going to cover is working with the albedo channel in one our pillars. To start off we are going to work with this generated scene provided via the assets from the Great Fleece on the asset store. Once imported and the environment_start scene is loaded click on the Pillar-Start and go down to the shader. On the shader when you open it up you can see the option for Albedo. You can click where the color is to either select a color of your own choosing or click on the dot next to albedo. From there you can select a texture. We are going to select the one underneath none.

Once completed our pillar will have the texture applied. Now to make this look smoother we will want to effect the look to make it look smoother go down to where it says tiling and change it from 1x1 to 4x4.

Now you may ask why our two pillars that are next to each other do not look the same. That is because the metallic and smoothness of the object need adjusted.

We will also need to change our shader type. There are 3 types of shaders: Standard, Standard Roughness, Standard(Specular Setup). For the pillar we are going to apply a standard roughness shader. (In Unity 2021 there is no longer a standard roughness shader and there is now an Autodesk interactive.

Now we are going to be moving onto working with sub meshes. Now we will be working the two columns. Column-start and column. If you click on the Column-Start and go under the mesh renderer you will see there are two different materials attached.

For now we are going to go under our materials folder and create a new material called black_mat. We will categorize it as an Autodesk interactive. Now click on the dot next to albedo type in black and select the black marble. Once selected adjust the metallic and smoothness as necessary. When complete go back your Column-Start and drag your Black_mat onto element-1 of the mesh renderer.

Now we are going to get the white to match the other column. We are now going create another material called white wall. Go to the albedo channel and search for white and select the white marble. When complete go back to the Column-Start and for element 0 drop in the white wall mat.

For the gold we will just create another new material with a standard shader. We will be picking a gold color and under Column-Start there is a GoldDecor. We will be dropping our new gold mat in the element 0. We can play with the settings (metallic, smoothness, emission) to get these as close as we would like.

For the next part we are going to create a window transparent material. We are going to use the WindowWall Start for this one. We are going to be taking the materials used on the other WindowWall except for the window. We will be creating a custom material. Now we will go the rendering mode and change it from opaque to transparent. Next click on albedo and change the alpha channel to about 0.

Next time we will be continuing on with environment and lighting.

